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Endowment Fund Sarawak (EFS)

Post-Natal Assistance (BIB)

Special Annual Grant (GTK)

Kidney Patient Assistance (BPBP)

Kenyalang Gold Card (KGC)

Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Bukan Islam (LAKBI)
The Endowment Fund Sarawak (EFS) is an initiative of the Sarawak Government with a provision of RM1,000.00 in the form of savings to every child born in Sarawak, starting in 2019 regardless of race, religion or socio-economic status.
Post-Natal Assistance (BIB) is a grant of RM450 in cash to every mother who has just given birth starting January 1, 2020 regardless of race, religion or socio-economic status. BIB aims to ease the financial burden after childbirth.
The Special Annual Grant (GTK) is a grant of RM5,000 allocated to Early Childhood Education Institutions registered in Sarawak to provide quality care, guidance and education towards the development of holistic early childhood education in Sarawak.
Kidney Patient Assistance is an initiative of the Sarawak Government to help ease the burden of kidney patients, especially the B40 and M40 groups in Sarawak who need treatment for kidney disease such as hemodialysis.
Kenyalang Gold Card is special for Sarawak senior citizens aged 60 and above. This card provides facilities such as special discounts, free membership and other benefits at strategic partner stores in collaboration with the Sarawak Government.
Lembaga Amanah Kebajikan Bukan Islam - also known as ‘LAKBI’ under the Charitable Trusts Ordinance, 1994 (Cap.7) , acts for the support of education, religion, or sports, as well as for the alleviation of poverty and the elderly, and with objective that are entirely charitable and for the public benefit.