Online System
Senior citizens aged 60 and above can apply for their Kenyalang Gold Card more quickly and easily online.
An initiative by the Sarawak Government to give an incentive of RM1,000 in savings to every child born in Sarawak.
The Geran Pelancaran is a one-off financial assistance initiated by the Sarawak Social Welfare Department for those who plans to start a small business.
Eligible mother who gives birth from 1 January 2020 will be given Maternity Assistance of RM450.
Annual grants for Early Childhood Education Institutions registered in Sarawak to provide quality care, guidance and education.
Initiative by the Sarawak Government to ease the burden of kidney disease patients (B40 & M40 group).
“Charitable trust” means any trust or endowment over movable or immovable property which is held, administered or managed for the furtherance of any charitable purposes.